
How To Put References In Alphabetical Order In Word

How to conform References in alphabetical club -two automated options

At the stop of every academic piece of work, it is expected that 1 should include his/her source of information which is known equally REFERENCES/REFERENCING. The references are expected to be arranged chronologically (in ascending guild: A-Z). When the listing of references is much to deal with in terms of arranging them in alphabetical order, it becomes a trouble and every bit a result, could atomic number 82 to frustration and abandonment of such work at that stage of writing.

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Like shooting fish in a barrel footstep on how to arrange References in alphabetical guild

  1. Highlight the entire reference text.
  2. HOLD and Press Alt+A+S key. This brings out the SORT TEXT automatically.
  3. Printing the ENTER Cardinal or OK on the SORT TEXT Dialogue Box.

Most referencing manner/format does not require you to provide them the way they appeared in the text (in-text citations), hence for neatness and ease of access, re-arranging them to be in chronological order might be required. Exterior the use of shortcut to a higher place, permit us practically come across how to arrange References in alphabetical guild.

how to arrange References in alphabetical order
how to arrange References in alphabetical club -List of References

The image above shows a list of books but notin lodge past the authors' surnames. How tin can we put the references/Bibliography in alphabetical order?

the first matter you do is tohighlight all the text you desire to alphabetize. After that, make sure that your screen is showing the Microsoft word HOME. Below the HOME Title Bar, you lot will run across the FONT Type and FONT SIZE and same row, await out for thelittle push button next to the paragraph mark as seen in the image below.

how to arrange References in alphabetical order
Highlighted List of References

Press theA-Z push button. You'll run into a pop-up (dialogue box). See image below.

how to arrange References in alphabetical order
Sort Text Dialogue Box

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There are several options forordering text, which tin can also exist found in Excel. By default, it will resolve the text in ascending order (A-Z) but where yous have a different system (descending club – Z-A), you tin alter information technology appropriately. After selecting the ordering format/mode click on OK. Below is the result of the arranged text in alphabetical club.

how to arrange References in alphabetical order
Reference List arranged in alphabetical lodge

Kindly note that y'all tin can revert your changes by using the Disengage button orCtrl+Z if you notice something went wrong or some references split inappropriately.

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This is one of the ways you lot can maximize time when doing your papers, consignment or any research work.

Was this post helpful? Kindly share to reach your friends who might be struggling to pick their references one by one trying to arrange in alphabetical guild.

Practise non forget to comment below to let us know how helpful this tutorial was to you lot and besides to drop your research-related questions.


  • 1 How to adjust References in alphabetical order -2 automatic options
    • 1.1 Recommended: Writing Affiliate V of Research Project -Guide to Summary, Decision, and Recommendation
  • 2 Piece of cake stride on how to arrange References in alphabetical club
    • Recommended: Complete Guide on research project writing and graduation thesis
    • 2.2 Also Read: Guidelines for writing a literature review


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